Posts Tagged ‘9/11’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


At AntiWar Radio, Philip Giraldi discussed his recent article about the Israeli spy agency operating from New York to D.C.—‘disinformation operations’ about Palestine and Iran’s civilian nuclear program—as well as its agents and assets committing espionage against the U.S. government with impunity (26:08):


Jeremy Scahill, leading journalist on the Pentagon’s military contracting, discussed the “incredibly disappointing” Washington Post series on giant system of ‘top secret’ operations of the U.S. government with AntiWar Radio host Scott Horton at Pacifica. He discussed “preparing the battlefield” operations, the WaPo as a “dumping ground” for the C.I.A. and the ‘system intended to give cover to clandestine operators in the private sector acting on behalf of the government’.

Later, Mr. Horton discussed blowback in Somalia against foreign intervention in Somali society perpetuating the horror in the Horn of Africa, giving a great summary of the recent history that led to the current state of affairs in the territory from the Bush Administration’s invasion to the Obama Administration shipping in arms, but blocking food entry. He also discussed 9/11 as blowback for Washington’s enabling of Israel’s ‘war crimes’ (25:50):


A recent study released by the civil liberties advocacy group highlights the rise in U.S. government Big Brother policies by localizing the National Security State with no accountability.


Jack Hunter’s recent article at The American Conservative compares Gary “The Bin Laden Hunter” Faulkner’s loony mission with much loonier one of the Obama Administration (5:24):


In March, U.S. military intelligence was alerted that the alleged Taliban leader and bin Laden ally was in the captivity of the Pakistan government, Brad Thor reports. The truth probably depends on how you define the government of Pakistan.


Anthony Gregory on the real meanings of Waco and Oklahoma City on their anniversaries and the partisan fearmongering to create loyalty and submission to the ruling class because, of course, no matter who you vote for, the government wins and humanity loses.

[pictured: children murdered by the U.S. government during the Waco Massacre]


Jack Hunter, a.k.a. “The Southern Avenger”, doesn’t think to nonsensically disagree he was. But adds that understanding terrorism isn’t condoning it, but imperative to ending it—no matter what dirt on what hemisphere on which the terrorist was born (5:24):


Prof. Noam Chomsky on “Washington Report”, a Pakistani program, expands on how:

  • the so-called ‘War on Terror’ is a literal war of terror from the Reagan Administration’s declaration to the Bush Administration’s ‘re-declaration’;
  • the motivations behind the slogans of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ coming from little more than ‘selling toothpaste and why issues are marginalized in electoral politics;
  • Obama’s continuity of U.S. ‘consistent support of the militarization of Pakistan’ over liberating Pakis to ‘maintain control of the region’ using the Pak government as ‘one of its agents’;
  • Obama’s strategy in expanding the war into Pakistan will obviously radicalize the population;
  • the ‘methods of subversion’ imperial powers are reliant on the submission of occupied populations to deliberately ‘undermine democracy’.

Part One (9:53):


Prof. Chomsky discusses the Obama Administration’s continuation of the Bush Administration’s foreign policy (consistent with all credible predictions prior to the inauguration), the ‘immoral’ U.S.-led war against and occupation of Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay’s purpose of ‘creating terrorists’, Osama bin Laden’s ‘allegiance’ with the U.S., Obama’s ‘rejectionist stance’ enabling Israel’s expanding occupation of Palestine, his ‘full-time job’ of activism from childhood throughout his career with the ‘antiwar movement’, the myth of the existence of a ‘free-market’, his history of tax resistance, the differing dissents of the intellectual and working class on war.


Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) and Fmr. Sen. Rick Santorum on “On the Record” at FOX News discussing the prolonged Afghan occupation, which will be announced by President Barack Obama tonight. Mr. Kucinich does a good job of smashing down the ‘those on the left-those on the right’ stupid-people rhetoric – 27 Nov 09 (6:28):


Scott Horton, anarchist host of AntiWar Radio, spoke to the Young Americans for Liberty chapter at the University of New Hampshire on why libertarians should be antiwar, the history of oligarchs lying the U.S. into wars, the becoming of the Empire, blowback, how Osama bin Laden baited the U.S. into Afghanistan to end the Empire as the U.S. did to the Soviets, and irrational American exceptionalism—introducing Thomas Woods – 6 November 09 – (27:36):


During a House Foreign Affairs Committee panel, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) breaks down the “pretense of having a debate” in the U.S. as to whether or not the Obama Administration should escalate the occupation of Afghanistan. The congressman addresses: the U.S. financial backing of the Taliban until May 2001; phony fearmongering; U.S. financial incapabilities and lack of responsible prioritizing; the disconnect between the White House, Congress, and the People; war profiteering; the false assumption that ‘9/11 couldn’t have occurred without the Taliban’; ‘what is the motivation for someone to attack’ the U.S.?; occupation; pre-emptive war; and the groupthink mentality pushing the lie that ‘perpetual war creates perpetual peace’ (6:42):


Professor Noam Chomsky’s post-9/11 bibliography was rejected as a donation from a Pentagon lawyer to the library at the Guantánamo Bay prison complex. (more…)

Tuesday, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi told reporters that the technology and skill of the U.S. gives reason to believe it may know Osama bin Laden’s safe haven. Today, President Barack Obama met with his national security team in a meeting that—Karen Travers and Martha Raddatz report at ABC News—focused on Pakistan.
