Posts Tagged ‘George Bush’

Sooo, Congress is bothered by a little corruption? Hah! Also, will there be war with North Korea and/or Iran? (9:30):


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Jason Leopold, deputy managing editor at Truthout, reports on the U.S. investigation of the kidnapped, rendition and extensive torture of Abu Zubaydeh. He was regarded as a “high-value detainee” of the Bush Administration—a claim which has since been recanted by the government, after submitting him to secret prisons around the world and numerous application of torture as a ‘guinea pig in an experiment’, a former N.S.C. official said.


Anthony Gregory on the real meanings of Waco and Oklahoma City on their anniversaries and the partisan fearmongering to create loyalty and submission to the ruling class because, of course, no matter who you vote for, the government wins and humanity loses.

[pictured: children murdered by the U.S. government during the Waco Massacre]


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Dave Lindorff on Obama: as guilty as Bush, the war criminal.


Prof. Noam Chomsky on “Washington Report”, a Pakistani program, expands on how:

  • the so-called ‘War on Terror’ is a literal war of terror from the Reagan Administration’s declaration to the Bush Administration’s ‘re-declaration’;
  • the motivations behind the slogans of ‘hope’ and ‘change’ coming from little more than ‘selling toothpaste and why issues are marginalized in electoral politics;
  • Obama’s continuity of U.S. ‘consistent support of the militarization of Pakistan’ over liberating Pakis to ‘maintain control of the region’ using the Pak government as ‘one of its agents’;
  • Obama’s strategy in expanding the war into Pakistan will obviously radicalize the population;
  • the ‘methods of subversion’ imperial powers are reliant on the submission of occupied populations to deliberately ‘undermine democracy’.

Part One (9:53):


Indian author and dissident Arundhati Roy calls democracy “the biggest scam on Earth” in a climate where so-called ‘democracies’ are the driving forces of war, poverty and disenfranchisement. She provides harsh, educated critiques of the American Empire and India’s U.S.-enabled occupation of Kashmir and oppression within in an interview with Amy Goodman and Anjali Kamat at Democracy Now!


Robert Bridge at Russia Today refutes Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke calling Rep. Ron Paul’s allegations the organization financed Iraq’s arms acquisitions to commit atrocities ‘bizarre’ (5:31):


Despite international law, basic morality and international wink-wink rhetoric to the contrary, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has approved the construction of 25 new housing units in an Israeli occupied West Bank settlement.


Malalai Joya on the Obama Administration’s coming Afghan Surge to escalate the U.S.-led occupation.


How U.S. intervention in Colombia escalating its conflict with Venezuela.


Jeremy Scahill, leading journalist on Blackwater/Xe, broke the story at The Nation. He discussed it at Democracy Now! and on “Morning Joe” at msnbc this morning (8:05):


Brian Ross and Matthew Cole broke the story last night on the ABC News website. Their report on “Good Morning America” from Thursday morning (2:51):


Max Keiser, in the premier of his new show on Russia Today, comments on the U.S. funding the Taliban, President Barack Obama’s Asian tour proving U.S. economic desperation, global ‘de-dollarization’ and (of course) Wall Street crooks with Danny Schechter (27:03):
