Posts Tagged ‘DHS’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Glenn Greenwald was on “The Dylan Ratigan Show” at MSNBC discussing the Obama Administration’s extension of the previous administration’s extrajudicial assassination program to include citizens of the U.S. (h/t: Scott Horton – 3:28):


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


The Pentagon’s new intelligence unit’s purpose could raise the valid question of how far the U.S. is moving toward militarized domestic databasing, but its resemblance to a ‘disestablished’ program used to spy on peace activists can reasonably confirm the program was never halted.


In March, U.S. military intelligence was alerted that the alleged Taliban leader and bin Laden ally was in the captivity of the Pakistan government, Brad Thor reports. The truth probably depends on how you define the government of Pakistan.


Anthony Gregory on the real meanings of Waco and Oklahoma City on their anniversaries and the partisan fearmongering to create loyalty and submission to the ruling class because, of course, no matter who you vote for, the government wins and humanity loses.

[pictured: children murdered by the U.S. government during the Waco Massacre]


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


via Charles “Rad Geek” Johnson’s blog: Freedom is not a conservative idea. It is not a prop for corporate power and the political-economic statist quo. Libertarianism is, in fact, a revolutionary doctrine, which would undermine and overthrow every form of state coercion and authoritarian control. If we want liberty in our lifetimes, the realities of our politics need to live up to the promise our principles—we should be radicals, not reformists; anarchists, not smaller-governmentalists; defenders of real freed markets and private property, not apologists for corporate capitalism, halfway privatization or existing concentrations of wealth. Libertarianism should be a people’s movement and a liberation movement, and we should take our cues not from what’s politically polite, but from what works for a revolutionary people-power movement. Here’s how:

Part One (10:00):


‘Comprehensive immigration reform’ is disgusting in its tolerance for such evil.


President Barack Obama recently expressed support for DNA sampling within the criminal procedure upon arrest by local, state and federal authorities.


Eric Ruder explains what the Department of Homeland Security’s move against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will mean for immigrants.


The Varick Street Detention Center has an ‘immigrant jail’ holding 250 people kidnapped by the government—100 of whom, held without charges, have petitioned they endure grossly inhuman conditions and slave labor—shines a  brighter light on the illegitimacy of immigration law.


A.C.L.U.: “We are disappointed that the president has signed a law giving the Defense Department the authority to hide evidence of its own misconduct, and we hope the defense secretary will not take advantage of that authority by suppressing photos related to the abuse of prisoners.”
