Posts Tagged ‘Spain’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


A flotilla of activists and politicians carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, in defiance of the U.S.-Israel-Egypt unlawful blockade, were attacked by the Israeli Navy. Israel Army Radio reports up to 16 have been killed. Others report up to 20.

The BBC reports (7:54):


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire

The economic war being waged against Greece, the E.U.—and North America! (40:07):


Todd Pittman at The Associated Press (AP) reports: Eight years after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, an internet statement by the Taliban states it has no will to attack any countries, but “if you want to turn the country of the proud and pious Afghans into a colony, then know that we have an unwavering determination and have braced for a prolonged war” within Afghanistan. (more…)

Jeremy Scahill discusses his must-read article from last week — “Obama Thug Squad Brutalizing Prisoners at Gitmo” — with Scott Horton on AntiWar Radio. The Immediate Reaction Force (IRF) is one of the many, and most shocking, disgusting realities within the War of Terror.


Prof. Noam Chomsky on the torture memos and ‘American exceptionalism’: this is nothing new for American policy. (more…)

AntiWar Radio host Scott Horton interviews Marjorie Cohn on the recent revelation that torture was not used to thwart attacks and gather intel, but to manufacture connections between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa’ida to justify the consciously illegal Iraq War. (more…)