Posts Tagged ‘property rights’

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) on the exploitation of xenophobia and tribalism to encourage the violent violation of property rights, liberty and reason itself.


The National Pork Board is going after a website for modifying the trademarked slogan it uses to advertise a product that doesn’t exist: unicorn meat.


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Benjamin Tucker on the source of capital, first published in an 1881 issue of Liberty, and later in his classic, Instead of a Book, by a Man Too Busy to Write One.


Benjamin Tucker on property rights in an anarchist society, in response to a letter. This letter was first published in an 1890 issue of Liberty and later in his classic, Instead of a Book, by a Man Too Busy to Write One.


Kevin Carson on ‘liberal’ bloggers seeing the G.O.P.’s “small government” heart of darkness.


Kevin Carson at the Center for a Stateless Society on the perpetual tyranny necessary for a ‘war on drugs’.


The Isocracy Network interviews Mr. Carson on the theory and practice of mutualism, worker self-management, anarchist thinkers and his critics.


Libertarian legal theorist and patent attorney N. Stephan Kinsella, J.D. discusses the framework of libertarianism and the false concept of “intellectual property” (IP) at Mises University 2009, followed by a Q&A session – 30 July 09.


The late-Prof. Murray Rothbard speaks at the 1989 Michigan Libertarian Party Convention with a Q&A session on politics, the savings and loan bailout of the 80’s, the criminal nature of the banking industry, insider trading, the corporate elite, and even swine flu (1:20:00):


Prof. Howard Zinn discusses the lost realities of three ‘romanticized, idealized’ American wars: the American Revolution, Civil War, and World War II. (36:50):


Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio and Michael Badnarik, 2004 Libertarian Presidential Candidate, debate the question ‘How Much Government is Necessary?’ (4:10:04):


Kevin Carson on intellectual property [sic] and Bill Gates’ view of the freed market as ‘communist’. (more…)

In this study, Kevin Carson reviews libertarian perspectives on “intellectual property”; the ethics of the practice itself and the harms resulting from it. (more…)

Freedomain Radio host Stefan Molyneux on gun control in a stateless society.
