Posts Tagged ‘law’

The White House will push Congress to ‘make it easier to wiretap the internet’.


Kevin Carson on the most evil PSYOPS of statism: accepting the murder of the state.


Kevin Carson on the criminal injustice system ‘shrills’ pushing the narrative that the letter of the law aides criminals against so-called ‘crime fighters’.


Today, N.O.A.A. senior scientist told Congress that he was wrong about how much oil gushed into the Gulf, how much remains and conceded almost all of it is not accounted for, days after academic researchers ripped his two-week-old report to shreds. Documents reveal BP is withholding information from Transocean regarding the April 20 explosion that caused the gusher.


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


The first military commission of a detainee renditioned to the U.S. detention center at Guantánamo Bay under the Obama Administration opened Tuesday. Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen, was kidnapped eight years ago in Afghanistan at the age of 15 by the U.S. military, threatened with rape in detention at the U.S. air base at Bagram, transferred to Guantánamo where he was tortured until he confessed that he threw a grenade that killed a U.S. soldier. Monday evening, Texas A&M at Qatar associate professor Todd Kent noted that it will likely not be a political issue for the Adminsitration because the mainstream media is downplaying it, though criminal justice is a large part of the president’s avatar, at Al Jazeera English’s “Inside Story”—which focused on the coming so-called ‘trial’ (23:41):


Glenn Greenwald was on “The Dylan Ratigan Show” at MSNBC discussing the Obama Administration’s extension of the previous administration’s extrajudicial assassination program to include citizens of the U.S. (h/t: Scott Horton – 3:28):


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


If Mohamed can become Josef, why not Joe Schmo?


Alan Grayson got grilled by Scott Horton on U.S. military welfare for Israel and blowback.


Jason Leopold, deputy managing editor at Truthout, reports on the Physicians for Human Rights report, “Experiments in Torture: Human Subject Research and Evidence of Experimentation in the ‘Enhanced’ Interrogation Program.”


Kevin Carson’s repsponse to comments on his previous post, “BP Would Be Toast in a Truly Free Market.”


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Kevin Carson on the government-forced liability cap for the oil industry.
