Posts Tagged ‘corporate personhood’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Separate issues display the trickle-up nature of statism.


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


The Texas Board of Education votes to infuse more loyalism into the indoctrination of the youth.


Prof. Chomsky discusses: e-media; the hypocritically selective nuclear hysteria; “sensibility” and “tragedy” within the ‘tea party movement’; cynical scapegoating, the natural inclinations of the human species; the business propaganda against government by those who embrace government; a world without war or a world without people; the evolution of the antiwar movement; the immoral elite debate on the Afghanistan occupation, campaign funding predicting policy; and the manufactured sectarian America.

Part One (9:56):


Professor Noam Chomsky discusses his coming book—Hopes and Prospects, to be released 1 January 2010—the military coup against Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, his meeting with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, mainstream media’s “narrow criticism” of state power, U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, and the meetings between world “leaders” and Iran with Matt Martin and listeners at KALW 91.7 FM in San Fransisco (52:11):


Jeremy Scahill, leading journalist on Blackwater, broke the story at The Nation of two Blackwater employees’ sworn statements, under the penalty of perjury, alleging the founder of Blackwater — now known as “Xe” (pronounced “zee”) — committed some of the highest of high crimes as the Bush Administration’s private mercenary firm in the Middle East.

An analysis of the affidavits filed by John Doe #1 [.pdf] and John Doe #2 [.pdf]. (h/t: Democracy Now!)
