Archive for the ‘Palestine-Israel’ Category

Monday morning, planned settlement expansion began execution.


20 F-35’s purchased by Israel will be ‘entirely funded’ by the U.S. military.


Likudniks’ rejection of conceding its occupation of Palestine confirms reports in the Israeli media that this week’s meetings between regional authorities are “ceremonial and not substantive”.


At AntiWar Radio, Philip Giraldi discussed his recent article about the Israeli spy agency operating from New York to D.C.—‘disinformation operations’ about Palestine and Iran’s civilian nuclear program—as well as its agents and assets committing espionage against the U.S. government with impunity (26:08):


Eden Abergil, former Israel government militant, proudly posted pictures with bound and blindfolded prisoners to her Facebook profile. She is defending her pride and went so far to say she would “gladly kill Arabs—even slaughter them”, adding: “In war there are no rules.”

Yousef Munayyer, executive director at The Jerusalem Fund & The Palestine Center, debated this is much bigger issue of racism and dehumanization with Richard Hellman, president at the Middle East Research Center on “The Alonya Show” at RT where host Alonya Minkovski goes a bit fair, asking if this is Israel’s Abu Ghraib. The images were extraordinarily graphic from Abu Ghraib, but more importantly, more people paid attention to it, yet not enough. Her point that the “dehumanization”  aspect is striking and goes to the root of the problem (8:41):


Prof. Noam Chomsky discussed the history of the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel, how the mainstream media manufactures consent for it, how it relates to the manipulation of language regarding factions like Hamas and Hezbollah, the U.S.-Israel ‘preference for expansion over security’, and the history of U.S.-Israel active rejection of establishing the Middle East as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone with Kathleen Wells at Race-Talk (38:19):


David Cameron, British prime minister and leader of the national Conservative Party, said Tuesday, “Gaza cannot and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp.” He also called out governments on double standards against the Turkish State (1:04):


A 2001 recording shows the Israeli prime minister telling a family he never intended to meet the goals of the Oslo Accords, of Washington’s ignorance and his conscious deceit of then-President Clinton in the 1990s and that policy to the ends of ‘collapsing’ the Palestinians as his preferred strategy in the occupied territories (8:44):


The U.S. and Israeli presidents publicly affirmed their ‘special, unbreakable bond’ and sought to justify Israel’s nuclear proliferation, Patty Culhane reported today at Al Jazeera English (2:41):


Cenk Uygur at “The Young Turks” on the “pathetic attempts to defend Israel in flotilla attack”, specifically by Chris Matthews at MSNBC and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.). Mr. Uygur now “has no respect for Chris Matthews or Barney Frank”, he says, but we’ll see how long that lasts. My guess: somewhere between now and the party pre-midterm election conventions, Mr. Uygur could very well act “pragmatically”. Hopefully not, but either way, this is a great comment (12:02):


Noam Chomsky’s statement on Israel’s piracy of the Freedom Flotilla humanitarian aid convoy.


Peter LaVelle’s “CrossTalk” at Russia Today has Professor Norman Finkelstein, Chris Guiness and Mitchell Barak on the panel (26:02):


Danny Schechter, former CNN and ABC producer, discusses how the State of Israel controls the narrative—by kidnapping all of the witness, while monopolizing the space in the media for quoted ‘officials’ (9:20):


Norman Finkelstein comments on the State of Israel’s unlawful blockade of Gaza, leading to its Navy’s aggressive invasion of a humanitarian aid convoy (5:23):


A flotilla of activists and politicians carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, in defiance of the U.S.-Israel-Egypt unlawful blockade, were attacked by the Israeli Navy. Israel Army Radio reports up to 16 have been killed. Others report up to 20.

The BBC reports (7:54):
