Posts Tagged ‘MSNBC’

To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.


Michael Corcoran: Just as the media lied to help us get into a war, they are now lying us out of one.


Jason Ditz, news editor at, discussed the Orwellian ‘end’ to the Iraq War at AntiWar Radio with Scott Horton (20:48):


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Cenk Uygur at “The Young Turks” on the “pathetic attempts to defend Israel in flotilla attack”, specifically by Chris Matthews at MSNBC and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.). Mr. Uygur now “has no respect for Chris Matthews or Barney Frank”, he says, but we’ll see how long that lasts. My guess: somewhere between now and the party pre-midterm election conventions, Mr. Uygur could very well act “pragmatically”. Hopefully not, but either way, this is a great comment (12:02):


Danny Schechter, former CNN and ABC producer, discusses how the State of Israel controls the narrative—by kidnapping all of the witness, while monopolizing the space in the media for quoted ‘officials’ (9:20):


Jack Hunter, a.k.a. “The Southern Avenger”, doesn’t think to nonsensically disagree he was. But adds that understanding terrorism isn’t condoning it, but imperative to ending it—no matter what dirt on what hemisphere on which the terrorist was born (5:24):


Kevin Carson on the Orwellian usage of the ‘sedition card’ by the tyrants’ willing servants.


Anthony Gregory at The Independent Institute blog, The Beacon, on the ‘progressive’ media’s embrace of government thugs at war with people.


A must watch: Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald, two of our most respected voices speaking truth to illegitimate power, on GRITtv with Laura Flanders, Wednesday. Mr. Scahill and Mr. Greenwald discuss the media elite and how—in their own words—form the “political debate” by not reporting facts, but an ESPN-esque play-by-play of what those in power are asserting. They go after the major TV networks and print media, Chuck Todd, Tim Russert, Tom Brokaw and others on how they ‘manufacture consent’ for torture and immoral war in this 60 minute video, but the segment with Mr. Scahill and Mr. Greenwald ends at the 29:30 mark:

Vodpod videos no longer available.


msnbc’s Andrea Mitchell reports that–according to military sources–redacted in the report [.pdf] submitted to the Pentagon by the top U.S.-NATO commander, General Stanley McChrystal, is the assessment that 500,000 troops are needed in Afghanistan between the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) and the Afghan National Army (A.N.A.). By this fall, the U.S. share of the—over 100,000-troop—ISAF coalition is to be around 68,000 and the A.N.A. is currently numbered at around 92,000 (0:53):


In November 2008, Bloomberg filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to force the Federal [sic] Reserve to ‘disclose emergency loan deals’. Monday, a federal judge ruled against the FED.


Jeremy Scahill broke this story yesterday and spoke with Keith Olbermann on msnbc last night and Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! (DN!). In a sworn affidavit, an ex-Blackwater operative and an ex-U.S. Marine — know only as John Doe #1 and John Doe #2 — implicated the founder of Blackwater founder Erik Prince in murder(s). Blackwater was the Bush Administration’s hand-picked private mercenary squad in Iraq and Afghanistan that continues to operate under the Obama Administration.

John Doe #2 swore: “To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades.”


‘Wall Street banks are reaping outsized profits by trading with the Federal [sic] Reserve,’ Henny Sender reports today. The FED is one of Wall Street biggest customers for shit with no value. “You can make big money trading with the government,” said an executive at a leading investment management firm. “The government is a huge buyer and seller and Wall Street has all the pricing power.”

If you’re unsure how this works, msnbc’s Dylan Ratigan recently broke it down real well (8:39):
