Posts Tagged ‘Cold War’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, the husband-wife couple behind Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story (2009) and Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire (2010), recently discussed the C.I.A connections with Afghan militant networks through Pakistani intelligence agencies with Paul Jay at The Real News Network.

Part One – WikiLeaks—The Pakistan Connection (13:15):


The massive dump of U.S. military records relating to the war in Afghanistan confirms prior knowledge in some areas and shines light to other grim realities of aggressive war and occupation.


WaPo’s “Top Secret America” investigation is crafted to form Orwellian conclusions. The political and intellectual classes are biting the bait to reel us in.


Anthony Gregory at The Independent Institute blog, The Beacon, on the ‘progressive’ media’s embrace of government thugs at war with people.


Brad Spangler disscusses “the case for understanding free market anarchism as ‘socialism‘ and the status quo we oppose as ‘capitalism‘”. (more…)

Scott Horton, anarchist host of AntiWar Radio, spoke to the Young Americans for Liberty chapter at the University of New Hampshire on why libertarians should be antiwar, the history of oligarchs lying the U.S. into wars, the becoming of the Empire, blowback, how Osama bin Laden baited the U.S. into Afghanistan to end the Empire as the U.S. did to the Soviets, and irrational American exceptionalism—introducing Thomas Woods – 6 November 09 – (27:36):


A lecture given by Professor Noam Chomsky in Caracas, Venezuela 29 August 2009 (updated September 9) on the U.S. plundering of Latin America and the corporate State.


Consortium News founder Robert Parry discusses Latin America as the political training ground for Neo-Con torture regimes, bashing moral relativism to ‘manufacture consent’ for moral relativism, statist journalism, blowback in the Middle East, the lie of Charlie Wilson’s War, Defense Secretary Robert Gates’ role in the Former President Reagan’s C.I.A., and media scare tactics used to lie the U.S. into war with Iran with AntiWar Radio host Scott Horton (63:13):


Tom Woods discusses his Seymour Melman’s research on the socio-economic harms of the military industrial complex’s partnership with the U.S. government. (more…)

Brzezinski on Afghanistan, diplomacy with Iran, Palestine-Israel, Chas Freeman, the Israel Lobby, and the current state of international disorder. (more…)

Prof. Chomsky cuts past Sen. Lugar’s Newspeak against the US embargo on Cuba. (more…)