Posts Tagged ‘terrorism’

The Justice Department is playing hardball against the ACLU’s efforts to block an executive order to assassinate an American citizen charged with no crime.


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Prof. Noam Chomsky discussed the history of the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel, how the mainstream media manufactures consent for it, how it relates to the manipulation of language regarding factions like Hamas and Hezbollah, the U.S.-Israel ‘preference for expansion over security’, and the history of U.S.-Israel active rejection of establishing the Middle East as a Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone with Kathleen Wells at Race-Talk (38:19):


Investigative journalist Andy Worthington dissects recently released documents shining more light on the Bush Administration’s dark rendition program and the complicity of collaborating governments in the mass-scale extrajudicial kidnapping program.


Julian Assange posted a complete answer to the question he’s frequently asked: Do we need WikiLeaks and why? He holds back no punches and points the finger at conspirators who create the need for reasonable skepticism and authoritarians who create the need for light-bearers.


Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, the husband-wife couple behind Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story (2009) and Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire (2010), recently discussed the C.I.A connections with Afghan militant networks through Pakistani intelligence agencies with Paul Jay at The Real News Network.

Part One – WikiLeaks—The Pakistan Connection (13:15):


Stephen Walt dissects a Manichean War Party meme used to brainwash and pacify the population of the West, to which Glenn Greenwald recently pointed elsewhere to show the propagandists’ play on words.


Highlighting U.S. intervention in the further destruction of  Somalia and as Ugandans mourn a terrorist attack from Somali militants and Fareed Zakaria noting the non-threat of ‘failed states’ and the imminent blowback induced by the failed missions of nation building.


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


A recent study released by the civil liberties advocacy group highlights the rise in U.S. government Big Brother policies by localizing the National Security State with no accountability.


Jack Hunter’s recent article at The American Conservative compares Gary “The Bin Laden Hunter” Faulkner’s loony mission with much loonier one of the Obama Administration (5:24):


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Glenn Greenwald was on “The Dylan Ratigan Show” at MSNBC discussing the Obama Administration’s extension of the previous administration’s extrajudicial assassination program to include citizens of the U.S. (h/t: Scott Horton – 3:28):
