Posts Tagged ‘Defense Department’

To better manufacture consent, U.S. Army soldiers are embedded as intern and fellows at local TV affiliates, along with previously reported newspapers and national outlets.


Highlighting U.S. intervention in the further destruction of  Somalia and as Ugandans mourn a terrorist attack from Somali militants and Fareed Zakaria noting the non-threat of ‘failed states’ and the imminent blowback induced by the failed missions of nation building.


The Pentagon’s new intelligence unit’s purpose could raise the valid question of how far the U.S. is moving toward militarized domestic databasing, but its resemblance to a ‘disestablished’ program used to spy on peace activists can reasonably confirm the program was never halted.


Amidst “security concerns”, the heroic Julian Assange has canceled a scheduled trip to speak today in Las Vegas after appearing remotely to a New York scheduled appearance, earlier in the week. U.S. officials confirm the Defense Department is scrambling to discover his whereabouts. Daniel Ellsburg and Philip Shenon discussed this today at “The Dylan Ratigan Show” on MSNBC (10:58):


BP in bed with the perpetual war machine, benefiting far past its $2bn annual contract with the Pentagon.


Video report provided by RAWA the day of the Granai Massacre, of which WikiLeaks reportedly will release classified footage. The U.S government has always reported 26 civilians were killed though, investigations by rights groups have said more than 90 children alone were killed in the airstrike. The government has also claimed that the Taliban was responsible for a bulk of the casualties, though civilians claim the Taliban had left well before the U.S. warplanes rained bombs on their village through the middle of the night. (2:08):


Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange set the record straight on frequent misreporting of the discovery of U.S. military atrocities.
