Posts Tagged ‘anti-Statism’

Kevin Carson on the most evil PSYOPS of statism: accepting the murder of the state.


Will a free society be able to put out fires? Yes, after it puts out the inferno of the state! (8:17):


Kevin Carson on the average Joe’s daily hell he heaven’izes to endure it tomorrow.


Julian Assange posted a complete answer to the question he’s frequently asked: Do we need WikiLeaks and why? He holds back no punches and points the finger at conspirators who create the need for reasonable skepticism and authoritarians who create the need for light-bearers.


Julian Assange, Daniel Ellsburg and Nic Robertson discussed “The Afghanistan War Logs” leak, Monday evening.

Part One (7:16):


WaPo’s “Top Secret America” investigation is crafted to form Orwellian conclusions. The political and intellectual classes are biting the bait to reel us in.


WikiLeaks founder recently hinted at ‘anarchistic’ leaking of documents relating to a deadly 2009 U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan and the future leaking of wide-reaching detailed spying ‘affecting many people and organizations.


Kevin Carson’s repsponse to comments on his previous post, “BP Would Be Toast in a Truly Free Market.”


Only surprising that anyone would be surprised that a study finds India has the most fucked up web of bureaucracy.


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Norman Finkelstein comments on the State of Israel’s unlawful blockade of Gaza, leading to its Navy’s aggressive invasion of a humanitarian aid convoy (5:23):


Kevin Carson on the density of conventional political discourse.


Kevin Carson on the self-detonating reformism of politics.


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Kevin Carson on Lew Rockwell, Jr.’s ridiculous boo-hoo for the plunderers.
