Archive for the ‘Philosophy’ Category

Kevin Carson on the most evil PSYOPS of statism: accepting the murder of the state.


Will a free society be able to put out fires? Yes, after it puts out the inferno of the state! (8:17):


Man is Coward

Posted: 16 August 2010 by Little Alex in Philosophy
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Man is coward. He is.

The man who chooses to not stand against war chooses to stand for nothing and is the vilest coward of all mankind. He is the sociopath that plagues the zeitgeist.

He ought to be ostracized from any community pursuing anything near virtue.

He is the hate.

He hates humankind for the Truth of humankind.

He is below the Neanderthal.

Caring not for the undead, he doesn’t deserve to kiss the dirt upon which the hypothetical zombie walks.

He’s never surpassed the machine of the flesh.

Is he even Man?


Julian Assange posted a complete answer to the question he’s frequently asked: Do we need WikiLeaks and why? He holds back no punches and points the finger at conspirators who create the need for reasonable skepticism and authoritarians who create the need for light-bearers.


Sooo, Congress is bothered by a little corruption? Hah! Also, will there be war with North Korea and/or Iran? (9:30):


Professor David Friedman talks about being raised by Milton Friedman, and how he unschooled his own children (40:47):


Cory Doctorow, co-founding editor at Boing Boing and author spoke with Reason editor Nick Gillespie on the prejudice against children, the impact of offering his books for free and the obsolescence of creative monopoly (5:26):


Kevin Carson on the density of conventional political discourse.


Ezra Klein’s comment on types of policy arguments rubbed me the wrong way.

(more…) has posted a rebuttal to its editorial director Justin Raimondo’s column from yesterday calling for harsher enforcement on illegal immigration that Sayyid and I immediately jumped on. We applaud it and maintain our respect for the group affiliated with the site that never ceased. While standing by the moral indignation Mr. Raimondo’s column aroused in us, he is still one of the commentators on geopolitics we trust and admire most. Read the column by Anthony Gregory and Eric Garris, Mr. Raimondo’s co-founder at’s, response here.


Benjamin Tucker on the source of capital, first published in an 1881 issue of Liberty, and later in his classic, Instead of a Book, by a Man Too Busy to Write One.


Benjamin Tucker on property rights in an anarchist society, in response to a letter. This letter was first published in an 1890 issue of Liberty and later in his classic, Instead of a Book, by a Man Too Busy to Write One.


Earlier this month, in Madison, WI, Professor Noam Chomsky reflected on:

  • His early personal exposure to anarchism and activism through people we wouldn’t today call ‘intellectuals’, but the insight of ‘everyday people’;
  • The crushing of liberation ventures by “fascism, Stalinism and liberal democracies” and the “miraculous sympathy and humanity” of the most brutally oppressed from Vietnam to Palestine to Southern Colombia;
  • His introduction to the “intellectual class” of “liberal democrat” gatekeepers during his graduate studies and its manipulation of the word “enemy” for “conquerors”, ‘radical rewrite’ of John F. Kennedy’s “legacy” to communicate him as a “dove” after the Tet Offensive, ‘liberal imperialists’  and their ‘unprincipled’ objection to the U.S. invasion of Iraq as a “strategic blunder” showing its ‘deeply rooted imperial mentality’;
  • The validity of the “Tea Party Movement”, the “big business community” and their love for Obama, the “owners of society” and how policy is engineered for “their interests”;
  • The “global shift in power” from the “workforce to multinational capital” making China a giant “assembly plant”, the financial community’s ‘rational externality’ of “systemic risk” for “institutional reasons” provided by the “Nanny State”, the “doom loop” of government bailouts that provide incentive for those in power to create “financial crises”;
  • The “moving” and “articulate”, though “ridiculed”, “manifesto” of terrorist Joe Stack before his suicide bombing (57:48):


We can only be kept in the cages we do not see. A brief history of human enslavement—up to and including your own. From Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy conversation in the world (13:10):


Kevin Carson on the Orwellian usage of the ‘sedition card’ by the tyrants’ willing servants.
