Posts Tagged ‘Rumsfeld’

Prof. Noam Chomsky on the torture memos and ‘American exceptionalism’: this is nothing new for American policy. (more…)

The NY Times investigative reporter who the mainstream media won’t interview, David Barstow, interviewed by Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! (DN!) for the first time since winning the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for exposing the corporate war machine’s propaganda wing: the Pentagon. (more…)

AntiWar Radio host Scott Horton interviews Marjorie Cohn on the recent revelation that torture was not used to thwart attacks and gather intel, but to manufacture connections between Saddam Hussein and al-Qa’ida to justify the consciously illegal Iraq War. (more…)

Freedomain Radio host Stefan Molyneux on Obama’s decision to “look toward the future” regarding torture.


The only news is that this is news to the mainstream media. (more…)

Wikileaks: Major RAND study with 300 interviews: Intelligence Operations and Metrics in Iraq and Afghanistan, Nov 2008. (more…)

American Foreign Policy:

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