Posts Tagged ‘resistance’

The Afghan president played the terror card, too, to get propped up.


via Charles “Rad Geek” Johnson’s blog: Freedom is not a conservative idea. It is not a prop for corporate power and the political-economic statist quo. Libertarianism is, in fact, a revolutionary doctrine, which would undermine and overthrow every form of state coercion and authoritarian control. If we want liberty in our lifetimes, the realities of our politics need to live up to the promise our principles—we should be radicals, not reformists; anarchists, not smaller-governmentalists; defenders of real freed markets and private property, not apologists for corporate capitalism, halfway privatization or existing concentrations of wealth. Libertarianism should be a people’s movement and a liberation movement, and we should take our cues not from what’s politically polite, but from what works for a revolutionary people-power movement. Here’s how:

Part One (10:00):


Indian author and dissident Arundhati Roy calls democracy “the biggest scam on Earth” in a climate where so-called ‘democracies’ are the driving forces of war, poverty and disenfranchisement. She provides harsh, educated critiques of the American Empire and India’s U.S.-enabled occupation of Kashmir and oppression within in an interview with Amy Goodman and Anjali Kamat at Democracy Now!


Prof. Chomsky discusses the Obama Administration’s continuation of the Bush Administration’s foreign policy (consistent with all credible predictions prior to the inauguration), the ‘immoral’ U.S.-led war against and occupation of Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay’s purpose of ‘creating terrorists’, Osama bin Laden’s ‘allegiance’ with the U.S., Obama’s ‘rejectionist stance’ enabling Israel’s expanding occupation of Palestine, his ‘full-time job’ of activism from childhood throughout his career with the ‘antiwar movement’, the myth of the existence of a ‘free-market’, his history of tax resistance, the differing dissents of the intellectual and working class on war.


Today, at Strike the Root, I posted an article by Jonathan Cook at The Electronic Intifada of an Israeli judge’s “historic ruling… when he decided that an Arab teenager needed ‘protection’ from the justice system and ordered that he not be convicted despite being found guilty of throwing stones at a police car during a protest against Israel’s attack last winter on Gaza”. Judge Yuval Shadmi wrote in the verdict: “I will say that the state is not authorized to caress with one hand the Jewish ‘ideological’ felons, and flog with its other hand the Arab ‘ideological’ felons.” Robert Fisk, in a recent lecture, discussed the propaganda efforts in the West that refute the e-mails I’ve received from those outraged by the judge’s ruling (2:13):


The MHD guys dropped by for a visit. Here’s the interview that resulted (9:47):


Amnesty Int’l researcher’s findings on civilian conditions in the middle of Colomibian inner-conflict. (more…)