Posts Tagged ‘Uzbekistan’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


The Sri Lankan defense minister has threatened to hang a parliament member, recently resigned from the S.L.A.F., if he exposes the country’s war crimes against the Tamils. The suppression of the war crimes during the country’s quarter-century civil war and the government’s forging alliances have dangerous potential.


The latest atrocity adds to the long list inflicted on Afghans since the U.S. invasion. It adds to intuitive reactions and propaganda efforts that feed the illusion of terrorism as a virtue. Jerome Starkey of the London Times reports to Russia Today (7:51):


Jeremy Scahill, leading journalist on Blackwater/Xe, broke the story at The Nation. He discussed it at Democracy Now! and on “Morning Joe” at msnbc this morning (8:05):


The U.S. and U.K made extensive use of Uzbekistan’s the torture regime in its extraordinary rendition program, Craig Murray says, exporting interrogations to a country that “left the Soviet Union in order to maintain the Soviet system” of Gulag oppression.


This revelation — on top of former F.B.I. translator Sibel Edmonds blowing the whistle (most recently, in a sworn deposition) on strong links between the American-Turkish lobby and high U.S. officials in the Bush Administration and Congress plus last week’s book release of former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge ‘asserting‘ that Bush Administration top advisers pressured him to ‘raise the national threat level just before the 2004 election in what he suspected was an effort to influence the vote’ by raising fear-induced political capital — raises the eyebrow to allegations of false-flag operations being plotted and/or used to ‘manufacture consent’ for the so-called “War on Terror” in the U.S. and abroad.
