Posts Tagged ‘Rad Geek’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Charles “Rad Geek” Johnson on recent abuses of lethal force by local police and their tragedy, including the murder of a seven-year-old in Detroit. Her name was Aiyana Jones.


[This article is available to view or download in .pdf format]

A facebook friend, Andrew Taranto, posted:

Ayn Rand was, at least rhetorically speaking, a capitalist and an anti-libertarian. Shouldn’t we, libertarians, regard this as significant when considering the value of the term “capitalist”?


Clinton is threatening U.K. if doesn’t continue to bury evidence of C.I.A. torture; Eric Holder shouldn’t have passed his first semester of law school; C.P.D. backtracking on its “deadly force” policy announcement; “Land reform” is a global heist with more guns than any other; Senior U.S. military adviser: Get out of Iraq; H.R. 1207 up to 271 co-sponsors; and more… (more…)

Bush Administration considered breaking the Posse Comitatus Act in 2001 to have the military arrest people on U.S. soil; U.S. admits it has no evidence to supporting holding teenager at Gitmo; India launches nuclear sub; U.S.-allied refugees labeled “terrorists”; Police sodomize man with taser; and more… (more…)

A crossroad for the pro-life movement and political reason. (more…)