UN condemns Israel and calls for “full investigation” of its atrocities in Gaza. Two of the world’s leading human rights groups find Israel guilty of war crimes in their usage of deadly chemicals on civilians.

Daily Kos

Since Part I of this series, the New York Times decided to take half their heads out of their asses and start doing some real reporting on Gaza:

NYT – “Questions Over Israel’s Military Conduct” – 20 Jan 09 (3:20):

Whatever the military and political results of the war against Hamas in Gaza, Israel is facing serious accusations.

There is a lot left for discussion, indeed, but to make serious allegations against Israel would be nowhere near controversial. I’d like anyone raising controversy or throwing the term ‘anti-Semitic’ around at the mere mention of Israel’s actions breaking the rules of engagement to make their case over real UN resolutions, the Articles of the Geneva Convention, the UN Charter, and this Gazan father who devoted his life to helping people mourning the loss of his children wanting to know why.

NYT – “Gazan Doctor Loses His Family” – 20 Jan 09 (3:01):

Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish has devoted his life to reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Now he is struggling to hold on to the humane philosophy that has guided his life.

UN Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon who has been outspoken in his condemnation of Israel’s aggression should be silencer #2 for Israel’s apologists. The NYT reports on his public statement to the press after meeting with the Arab League (AL) in Kuwait and touring Gaza and Sderot:

Mr. Ban, the highest-ranking international figure to come to Gaza since the war, visited the United Nations compound, damaged by an Israeli strike. He called the attack “outrageous” and demanded an investigation. He said Israel had used excessive force in Gaza. After touring the area, Mr. Ban called the destruction “shocking and alarming.”

Later, he visited Sderot, the southern Israeli town that has long borne the brunt of Hamas rocket fire, and said using rockets against civilians violated international law. Still, he said, Israel should lift its border closing on Gaza, strangling its economy.

In Kuwait, the Arab heads of state condemned Israel’s “barbaric aggression” and demanded an investigation. While urging the reconstruction of Gaza, the group failed to explain how it would carry it out.

Unfortunately, the people who adhere to the NYT as the ‘paper of record’ don’t all subscribe to them on YouTube so this is all you get unless you really want to look deeper because this is all you get on the surface, conveniently not re-hashing their absolutely brutal Newspeak regurgitation of the UN school bombing two weeks ago.

You get some moral relativism from the UN Sec.-Gen. and what seems like insane ramblings from the AL.

BBC News (which doesn’t allow for their videos to be embedded) posted Mr. Ban’s full statement to the press (watch) with a more thorough article showing that the AL’s call for an investigation wasn’t a random rebel yell, but a demand Mr. Ban has made in front of a UN food warehouse obliterated by Israel in the war:

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says he is appalled by Israeli attacks on a UN compound in Gaza after seeing the destruction for himself.

Mr Ban said that those responsible should be held accountable and demanded a “full investigation” through proper judiciary systems.

He was speaking in front of the smouldering remains of the UN food warehouse destroyed by Israeli shells.

He said he would do all he could to help the population of Gaza.

“I have protested many times. I am today protesting again in the strongest terms. I have asked (for a) full investigation and (to) make those responsible people accountable,” he said.

“I am just appalled. I am not able to describe how I am feeling. This was an outrageous and totally unacceptable attack against the United Nations.”

The AL has accused Israel past their illegal occupation and illegal settlements strategically conquered to usurp resources necessary for Palestinians’ survival as it is illegal under international law to acquire title to land via aggression — accusing Israel of using ammo containing depleted uranium.

Another allegation that isn’t just a rebel yell, but one that UN nuclear watchdog the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will investigate “to the extent of their ability”.

al Jazeera reported allegations of the Israel using white phosphorus (WP) over a week ago which is deadly when inhaled and a war crime when used against civilian populations. Human Rights Watch elevated these accusations:

al Jazeera – “Israeli Army ‘Using White Phosphorus’ – 12 Jan 08 (2:50):

Why should the American people care? Sure, Israel’s using American tanks, American Apaches, and American F-16’s, but Israel ‘has the right to defend themselves’.

Israel’s WP comes from the US. Continued supply with this knowledge of Israel’s usage is no longer tacit consent, but committing the war crime. al Jazeera‘s Mike Kirsch reports:

al Jazeera – “Following the White Phosphorus Trail” – 16 Jan 09 (2:53):

The Young Turks rightfully applauded CNN for having the balls to break this story in the American MSM emphasizing how easy WP spreads and the extreme population density of Gaza:

The Young Turks – CNN Confirms Israel Use Of White Phosphorus” – 13 Jan 09 (6:30):

Amnesty International has literally surveyed the ground — streets, alleys, and buildings — confirming civilians are heavily exposed to WP in Gaza expecting to add to the death toll in Gaza and the innocent civilian blood on the TerrorStates of Israel and America’s hands.

  1. […] Palestine, Israel, and the Third Side: International Humanitarian … […]

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  3. […] Palestine, Israel, and the Third Side: International Humanitarian … […]

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