Posts Tagged ‘Triple Canopy’

Kabul today announced it plans to replace U.S. militant contractors with Afghan militants. Jack Rice—criminal defense attorney, journalist and former C.I.A. analyst—discussed why he doesn’t expect U.S. military contractors out of Afghanistan soon. He stressed that Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s puppet status, the size of the corporate force machine occupying the country and political motivations igniting recent Newspeak at RT, yesterday evening (6:13):


With 70,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, President Obama yesterday dropped his 2009 pledge to remove all combat troops before September, extending the target date 15 months, Gareth Porter reported today at Inter Press Services. The drawdown is intended by the Administration to leave 50,000 ‘residual troops’ indefinitely, but investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill notes the so-called “withdrawal” is a replacement of combat troops with ‘private’ mercenary firms. Earlier today, he spoke with Amy Goodman at Democracy Now! (11:48):


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Jeremy Scahill discusses international affairs with Bill Moyers on PBS last Friday night saying, “It’s time to take off our Obama T-shirts…. The fact is that this man is governing over a policy that is killing a tremendous number of civilians.” (more…)

Gareth Porter discusses his article of quarrels between Obama, Gen. Petraeus, and the Pentagon. Mr. Obama repeated his pledge to remove troops from Iraq, but the State Dept. is looking to replace Blackwater troops, who the Iraqi gov’t recently expelled. (more…)