Posts Tagged ‘Daphne Eviatar’

News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


News and views from around the web posted to the Wonderland Wire:


Omar Khadr, a 23-year-old Canadian citizen was kidnapped by the military in Afghanistan after being shot to the infirmary at the U.S. detention center at Bagram Air Base, where he was tortured and threatened with rape before being transferred the prison at Guantánamo Bay—all when he was only 15—where he’s been held captive since. The ‘war crime’ was throwing a hand grenade at U.S. troops and allegedly killing one of them, though the cause of the soldier’s death is in question, the burden of proof cannot be met of who threw any grenades, throwing a grenade at a uniformed enemy is not a war crime and child soldiers are legally distinguished as victims.

At AntiWar Radio with Scott Horton, journalist, legal analyst and Human Right First senior associate in law and security Daphne Eviatar discussed the U.S. military commission to try Mr. Khadr for war crimes (25:55):


John Sifton details ‘grotesque’ C.I.A. torture at secret prisons as models for prisons in Iraq, Afghanistan and other military detention centers. (11:01):


David Brooks continues to type a lot of words in the ‘paper of record’ without saying anything; bin Laden had ‘intimate relations’ with the U.S. until 9/11; Justin Raimondo comments on ‘progressives’ turning a blind eye to Obama trampling on civil liberties; Obama wants a military-‘civilian’ court hybrid prison in the U.S.; More MI5 connections to participation in the C.I.A. torture of Binyam Mohamed; Chalmers Johnson lays out three reasons to shut down the U.S. Empire and ten steps to do it; Over 1,000 Afghan civilians killed in the first half of ’09 during Obama’s ‘Af-Pak surge’; Jury rules man should pay $675k to Copyright Nazis for downloading 30 songs; and more… (more…)