US House Overwhelmingly Passes Resolution Supporting Israel’s War on Gaza; Paul, Kucinich Dissent

Posted: 9 January 2009 by Little Alex in International Affairs, National News, Palestine-Israel, Political Science
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al Jazeera – “US Congress Votes to Back Israel” – 09 Jan 09 (2:26):

Today, the US lower house of Congress, the House of Representatives, passed HR 34 on “Recognizing Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza, reaffirming the United States’ strong support for Israel, and supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.”

The five who voted Nay were:

  • Ron Paul (R-TX)
  • Dennis Kucinich (D-OH)
  • Maxine Waters (D-CA)
  • Gwen Moore (D-WI)
  • Nick Rahall (D-WV)

From our YouTube playlist, “Israel Attacks Gaza” – Dissents from Dr. Paul and Mr. Kucinich 09 Jan 09:

Dr. Paul Full Dissent on HR 34 (3:01):

Mr. Kucinich on HR 34 (4:31):

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the only Muslim in the House and one of the 22 who voted “present” on the resolution released a statement last week and spoke with al Jazeera earlier this week (9:35):

Yesterday, the US Senate voted voted on a resolution approving “unwavering commitment” to Israel.

“Unwavering commitment” is between a husband and wife, parents and their child, not a State ‘of the People’ and other States.

  1. […] that the Jews wield over us in our social & political life? How is it that only 5 Congressmen opposed Resolution HR 34 passed by the US Congress on January 9, 2009, absolving the Jews of Israel of […]

  2. […] that the Jews wield over us in our social & political life? How is it that only 5 Congressmen opposed Resolution HR 34 passed by the US Congress on January 9, 2009, absolving the Jews of Israel of […]

  3. […] that the Jews wield over us in our social & political life? How is it that only 5 Congressmen opposed Resolution HR 34 passed by the US Congress on January 9, 2009, absolving the Jews of Israel of […]