via Al Jazeera English: ‘Thousands of Palestinians lost their homes during Israel’s war on Gaza last year. The task of rebuilding houses is made hard by Israel’s siege of the Strip. But Palestinians also say that a local government fee is hindering rebuilding. Al Jazeera’s Barnaby Phillips reports from Gaza.’ Mouin Rabbani, Institute of Palestinian Rights, discusses the “overzealous bureaucracy” of Hamas (5:09):

Government benefiting from regulations at the least risk of all parties involved? Bear the thought?!

On another note, the destroyers of these people’s properties just had $3.8 billion in loan guarantees re-approved by the U.S. on the conditions that the State of Israel provides a “roadmap for a new medium-term fiscal rule that would guide spending growth and deficits through 2015” while infrastructure and corporatizion of government property continues and “will be required to improve intellectual property rights protection”. The infrastructure demolished by the Israel Occupation Forces are irrelevant.

For increased settlement production and the apartheid wall in the West Bank, Israel was ‘penalized’ $1.1 billion in U.S. bonds that it never had and never planned to pay back anyway.

For its destruction on Gaza:

can all be seen as rewards for a job-well-done on the ‘wanton destruction‘ of women, children and homes last winter.

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